4th Sino-Swiss Symposium of UAS

The aim of the symposium is to show the functioning of SUPSI, through concrete examples of initiatives activated in particular in Mendrisio, a region of Ticino, where in September 2020 a new campus will be inaugurated.
In particular, the dimension of relations with our stakeholders will be examined in depth, with examples of projects in favour of the local community that have been carried out with the involvement of institutions, companies, students, teachers and researchers.

The objective are to enhance the specificities of applied universities in economic, social and cultural development; to strengthen the relations between the Swiss and Chinese universities of applied sciences and to encourage exchanges and projects between SUPSI and the partners of the Chinese UAS present.

The event is organised and promoted in partnership by the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) in Beijing and SUPSI.
This is the fourth Sino-Swiss UAS Symposium to date organised in Switzerland, following the 2018 Symposium at the HTW in Chur, the 2017 Symposium of the HES-SO in Freiburg and the 2016 Symposium of the FHNW in Olten.

About 30 members of the Chinese delegation including embassy officials, rectors, managers of Chinese UAS and representatives of Chinese institutions.
Representatives of SERI and its International Relations Division.
The community of executives, professors, lecturers, researchers, managers and referents of international relations, students and institutional and corporate partners SUPSI, most involved with the issues and projects presented.
UAS International Relations guests.
Institutional guests.